Tag: CTO

  • Duties of a Software Architect – build for customer needs, not ours.

    In my previous article (UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF A SOFTWARE ARCHITECT), I explained the role of a software architect as well how we can categorize software architects. Whilst writing that article what came to my mind is, do we really know what our duties or responsibilities are as an architect. So I decided write from…

  • Understanding the role of a Software Architect

    According to Wikipedia the role of a Software Architect is defined as “Architects make high-level design choices based on their programming experience. An architect has thought through all the aspects of a software, just like an architect that builds a house. A construction architect knows where the ducts will be, where the electric connections will…

  • Building an IT Strategy

    Developing an IT strategy may look as a daunting task for many IT leaders and even a defined IT strategy may not yield the right outcome. Many reason could contribute to a failed IT strategy but some of the main reasons being IT leaders being pushed for IT strategies where the business itself may not…